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Body-Mind-Gut & Soul

The food

The food during the entire stay is planned and made by Cecilia Clausen based on gut health principles in collaboration with Agerup God's retreat.

Celebrating natural fresh local products, flavors, and tastes, you will experience delicious meals that will nourish your body, soul, and the little tiny (microbes) tenants that live in your gut. 

Our dishes are fundamentally built on the concept of prebiotics. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients like plant fibers and other substances such as polyphenols that are the main food source of your gut microbes and essential in ensuring optimal gut health.

The food will be plant-based, with lots of vegetables, fruits, berries, legumes, whole grain products, nuts, and seeds.

In case of food allergies or intolerances, please contact us in advance at

The nervous flutter of butterflies; 

your stomach in a knot. 

almighty gut feelings, 

intimate connections between the mind 


and soul...

By Cecilia Clausen


Medicine has tried to understand the connection between food, digestion, and mental health. Science works hard to disentangle the conversation between the gut and the brain. 

While we as humans try to decipher our gut feelings and the myriad of messages that run to our bodies, from nerve signals to hormones that seem to speak all at once...

sometimes our gut seems to have a mind of its own — and in a way it does.

Nowadays it is widely recognized that the gut is not just an engine designed to digest our food and deliver energy to our bodies. It is in fact, the home of a very complex and dynamic population of microbes known as the gut microbiome.

It is also widely accepted that the trillions of microbes living in our guts affect our health and even our mental well-being. 

Multiple factors affect the establishment of the gut microbiota during infancy and change this ecosystem throughout our lives. 

Diet is considered one of the main drivers in shaping the composition of this community, together with movement, stress, sleeping patterns, the environment we are exposed to, and so much more...

At Agerup House we resist to compartmentalise the body, seeing the mind, gut, environment, and movement as parts of an inseparable whole. 

Yoga for gut health

Yoga practice can be seen as a pillar to support your gut microbiome. 

The ancient practice of yoga has always held many techniques to prevent disease and promote digestion with the understanding that gut health is at the center of general well-being and holistic health. 

Yoga is a widely recognized pillar of health for general fitness, flexibility, and stress relief, but also in learning to listen and connect with your gut by exploring the psyche with meditations and ancient philosophies.  

Combining the millennia philosophy of yoga with the modern knowledge of intestinal health, we are on a mission to embrace the best of both worlds. 

Considering the gut as our “second brain” we will target the gut-brain axis from different perspectives. Nourishment, movement, environment, and social practices.